How long until a well-deserved holiday, Christmas, Easter - or whenever theres the first pension? Since when Im happily in love, engaged, married or even divorced? CountMe shows it. With CountMe you have all your countdown and Countups always there. And you keep your devices in sync with icloud.
New: Added Support for Apple Watch (IOS8).
Read in advance as you can use the app and off you go ...
Create a new countdown / countup:
• tap the bottom right icon, then click the "plus"
• or zoom with two fingers on the screen
Countdown / Countup delete / edit:
• press the count in the main view for one second
• double-click the screen in the detail view or zoom
Counts BROWSE:
• wipe from right to left or from left to right
main charge:
• Tap the top left symbol
Search Countdown / Countup
• Tap the bottom right icon, then on the magnifying glass
icloud / settings:
• Tap the bottom right icon, then the left button.
Sliding the switch to "on" or "off".
message center (Notification Center):
• The "message center" will report, if a countdown expired.
So you always know it.
If you are satisfied with this application, were looking forward to your assessment in the appstore. Your suggestions and criticisms will help us to identify areas for improvements and to meet your needs and requirements in the future. Thanks a lot.